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St George's and Maricourt 
Prepare for Confirmation

Young adults  in Year 8 High School are currently being invited to consider being Confirmed.

 Anyone who wishes to be confirmed in Year 8 or above must register their interest at before the 17th March.

For pupils at Maricourt the school supports pupils who want to be confirmed recently for example the Animate team, the Archdiocesan Youth team, gave a lively and engaging presentation to all year eight pupils about the Sacrament and its importance in living a life of faith.

This was followed up by a special time of reflection and prayer in the Chapel with school Chaplain, Julia. Pupils looked at the maturity needed to say ‘Yes’ to God and how the gifts of the Holy Spirit can be a source of strength and encouragement in their life.

Time has been taken to consider who may be an appropriate Confirmation patron – with a special mention of Carlo Acutis who will be declared a Saint on 27th April in Rome.

Over the coming few weeks, all pupils will have had an RE lesson learning about the rite of Confirmation and the outward signs that are used to convey the inward graces of the sacrament.

For students who do not attend a Catholic school or who attend another local school there is information about Confirmation available online from the Animate team. There are two series of videos available which you can watch to find out more about the sacrament and what it means to be confirmed. It may help all young people and parents to watch these videos. The titles are and they can be found at:

The spiritual aspects of Confirmation are covered in the following videos:

Animate are also offering an on line session covering what has been covered in school RE classes.

This will happen on the Animate You Tube channel.  No password is needed. The session is on  March 31st starting at 4:30pm and ending at 6:00pm  Link:

If you require more information please contact Fr Chris, Fr Lister or Deacon Keith who will be always happy to help. You can also use the contact link on the Confirmation page of the web site


This article will also appear and stay on the confirmation page.

Please remember the deadline for registration is March 17th

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