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Parish Day Out to Llandudno 

As we set off from the Damfield Lane lay-by , Richard ( stalwart of the 'Wednesday Coffee Friends' broke into song - 'We're all going on a Summer Holiday ...' ; maybe , a mite over-stated, as to season , duration and scope, but , indicative of a resolve by 41 of us - parishioners and friends of St George's - to enjoy each others' company with a day-out in Llandudno.It even felt like 'foreign parts' once we crossed the border and Road-signs became bi-lingual.
Before departure , most of us attended Mass celebrated by Fr John who accompanied us on the trip.In the Gospel reading , we were enjoined not 'to take a spare tunic' but water-proofs and umbrellas seemed advisable with a less than encouraging weather-forecast for North Wales.Mary Green observed that 'it won't rain in M&S or the pubs' - a woman of faith! The threatening clouds did not diminish our good spirits on the 'P&G' coach, as conversation and boiled sweets were exchanged.They were lifted even more at the prospect of the first stop at  the 'Tweedmill Shopping Outlet' on the outskirts of St Asaph, passing the 1400year-old, once Catholic cathedral en route.The smell of coffee and and lure of bargains in the mega-store energised the trippers no end.Another bonus , given our demographic, was access to very 'classy' WCs.


Arrival in Llandudno, after a pleasant drive, was slightly behind schedule but allowed the prospect of a good four hours 'free-time' to re-acquaint ourselves with the traditional sea-side resort and its impressive setting.Lill presented us with a detailed descepription of options and attractions, and a handy map to assist our preferences.The impressive serve of the two-mile promenade with its back cloth of attractive hotels with their pristine frontages gave opportunity for a cardio-improving walk.Plenty of 'retail' opportunities .Eating-places for lunch to source ( great amounts of fish and chips were consumed); the author and company enjoyed particularly 'Forte's' on Mostyn Street with attentive staff and commodious lay-out.Others encorporated a 'dip' into history by spending time in the mid-Victorian 'Holy Trinity' church with many interesting features including the craftsmanship of the famous cabinet-maker, Robert 'Mouseman' Thompson , and the eagle-eyed soon discovered the resident 'mice' carved onto screens and seats..The more intrepid and vigorous did more serious walking; well , certainly , Fr John who scaled 'The Great Orme', eschewing train or cable-car.Well - he is a real 'Walker'!

By late afternoon , the promised rain set in; however, cheerfulness was unabated as we gathered for the pick-up at 4.30pm.A necessary detour , heavy traffic and and almost torrential rain made for a challenging drive back , though 'Alex' our driver, who showed consideration and good humour throughout, brought safe to 'Canaan's shore - i.e.Maghull.

'Wonderful day!' 'Great organisation!' 'Great company!' 'Thank you , Lill, for all of your hard work' - just some of the comments as we alighted.There had even been a free raffle with three tins f 'Quality Street' on the journey home; a lovely touch! Truly , a good time was had by all.All agreed that we looked forward to next year's adventure.


Lill Boyle and the 'Wednesday Coffee Friends'provided inspiration for this Parish Outing, which is a part of the building -up and renewal of a social life within our parish family.It doesn't have to stop there - and , isn't just the purview of older parishioners , but , is essential to continuing our identity and even survival.This idea sprang from the fund-raising efforts to 'Save our Centre' which will ensure a base for parish activities , and 'outreach' to the wider community.Among the shops on the main shopping street in Llandudno was a building emblazoned with a banner 'Save our Library'! We share such determination as we have much to offer if we work together to strengthen our community; so , we invite fellow-parishioners to recognise its crucial importance for our future as a parish!

Many thanks to George Barnes for this account of a great day out, thanks also to Barbara Wrightman for the phtographs  

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