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Maricourt Welcomes the New
Year 7 Students

24th September the new Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham and the feast day of Our Lady of Mercy was the day chosen to celebrate Mass with the new year 7 pupils. to welcome them into the Maricourt family. The Mass was celebrated in St Georges by Fr Chris, who is a foundation governor of the school, he was assisted by Deacon Keith.

Deacon Keith Assisted
at the Mass
Fr Chris 
Chaplain Julia, welcomes everyone 

Parents, governors, staff, parishioners and pupils gathered in church for the celebration. Pupils delivered the readings; the Gospel was an account of the Annunciation when Mary was asked to be the mother of Jesus.  Fr Chris shared his experience of starting his secondary school Upholland Seminary at the age of 11. He described how it was both exciting and frightening and how many of his friends today are friends that he made at school. He then explained the Gospel to us and asked us to consider how Mary must have felt being asked to make a big decision at such an early age. Fr Chris reminded us of the Sisters of Mercy their devotion not only to Our Lady, but to the school and the parish and how they were open to doing God’s will. He asked the pupils to think about what they wanted to do and what did they think God wanted them to do with their lives.

The Mass was enhanced by some beautiful singing led by Mr Loughlin on the piano, all there joined in and it helped to make it a real celebration.

Thank you to Julia, school chaplain, for all the organisation and arranging the Mass, thanks to Mrs Hatton and all the staff, thanks to all the parents and parishioners who supported the students at this important stage of their education. The celebration continued in school with a ’Good cup of tea’ as recommended by Mother McCauley (Founder of the Sisters of Mercy). A great start for the students in their new school, we hope that they will continue to enjoy school and find firm friends and have every success. We offer our prayerful support to them .

Mr Loughlin 
Mr Marsh
Head of Year 7 
Mrs Hatton (right)
Head teacher 
Mrs Lawler (Left) Deputy Head
Julia - School Chaplain 
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