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Parish Prayer Retreat: Week 4
Praying with Music 

This week our theme, is ‘Praying with Music’, historically music has been a major influence within the liturgy of the Church, but do we use it in our personal prayer? Here are a few suggestions of how we can use music in our personal prayer. I hope you enjoy them.
Music can be a profoundly efficacious way to connect with God.
There are many scientific studies that have examined the effect music has on the brain, and subsequently our wellbeing. Our favourite songs give us an immediate dopamine hit, and an old song can transport us back in time as memory is stirred. Music is both calming and cathartic. Mix this natural effect of music with prayer and the result can be powerful and deeply spiritual.
Do you use music in your prayer? Have you tried singing prayers or using a song as prayer? Praying with music can be a powerful way to pray.
Let’s look at three ways you can use music in your prayers – maybe even one you haven’t thought to try before.

Music can speak what our minds cannot.
Music speaks deeply the soul. There are songs that become a heart’s cry – putting words to feelings, dreams, questions, doubts, sorrows.
Songs come and go, depending on the season and needs of your heart. Recently I found a song that put words to what I didn’t even know was weighing on my heart. Music can make your heart feel lighter, and you can pray either listening to the music or praying the lyrics of the song. It can enable you to have a conversation with God that you may need to have, but hadn’t been able to articulate until now.
Before you start to pray with music, take a few minutes to relax, control your breathing and in the silence bring yourself before God.

Forms of Praying with Music

Just as we’ve talked about praying from scripture, so can we pray from songs. Songs connect with our emotions and hearts. The language of the lyrics is rhythmic and poetic. Songs work their way into our souls and help us express what’s on our hearts.

Let’s look at three ways you can experience praying with music.

Idea 1: Let the Song Be Your Prayer

Sing along and allow the words of the song to be your prayer. Sing it. Listen to it. Let the song permeate your heart.
Allow the song to open your heart and mind to conversations with God. If a verse or a few words tug at your heart, stay with them, write them in your journal and enter the conversation with God.
You can put a single song on repeat so you can fully immerse yourself in the song. Starting off by listening to the words and allowing the music to move your soul. Then, if you wish begin to sing along, singing heartfelt words of prayer to God. You may just like to listen and that is fine, pray as you can, not as you can’t As you feel prompted, you may take your prayers further with God as you let the song play in the background.
Try this form with the following songs:

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Taize . Verni Sancte Spiritus:

Beth Neilson Chapman, I find your love:

Westlife: You raise me up:

Fr Rob Galea – I Surrender to You

John Denver – Perhaps Love :

Use your prayer journal to capture your thought’s and feeling that you have felt during your prayer.
What is God saying to you?

Idea 2: Pray the Lyrics

How often do you sing songs in church or along with the radio, but don’t take time to really consider the words? Hymns and worship songs are based on prayer and Scripture. Try using just the lyrics for your prayer.

Don’t sing along. Instead, simply read the words, taking time to consider what they mean and how they can be your prayer.

It is good to use traditional hymns for this method. Too often, we sing along in church, not really thinking about the words. Slowing down and reading the words brings a deeper understanding to these beautiful hymns.

Try these example:


Amazing Grace :

Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost,
But now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

‘Twas grace that taught
My heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious
Did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!

Through many dangers,
Toils and snares,
I have already come;
‘Tis grace hath brought
Me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised
Good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield
And Portion be,
As long as life endures.

Lord for Tomorrow and it’s Needs

1 Lord, for tomorrow and its needs
   I do not pray;
   keep me, my God, from stain of sin,
   just for to-day.

2 Let me both diligently work
   and duly pray;
   let me be kind in word and deed,
   just for today.

3 Let me no wrong or idle word
   unthinking say;
   set thou a seal upon my lips,
    just for today.

4 And if today my tide of life
   should ebb away,
   give me thy sacraments divine,
   sweet Lord, today.

5 So, for tomorrow and its needs
   I do not pray;
  but keep me, guide me, love me, Lord,
  just for today.

Sybil Farish Partridge (Sister M Xavier) (1856-1917)
8 4 8 4

                    In Bread we bring you 

1 In bread we bring, Lord, our bodies' labour.
  In wine we offer You our spirits' grief.
  We do not ask You, Lord, who is my neighbour?
  But stand united now, one in belief.
  Oh, we have gladly heard Your Word, Your holy Word,
  and now in answer, Lord, our gifts we bring.
  Our selfish hearts make true, our failing faith renew,
  our lives belong to You, our Lord and King.

2 The bread we offer You is blessed and broken,
  and it becomes for us our spirits' food.
  Over the cup we bring Your Word is spoken;
  make it Your gift to us Your healing blood.
  Take all that day daily toil plants in our heart's poor      soil
  take all we start and spoil, each hopeful dream,
  the chances we have missed, the graces we resist,
  Lord, in Thy Eucharist, take and redeem.

Words and Music Kevin Nichols 

1 Be still, for the presence of the Lord,
  the holy One, is here;
  come bow before him now
  with reverence and fear
  in him no sin is found
  we stand on holy ground.
  Be still, for the presence of the Lord,
  the holy One, is here.

2 Be still, for the glory of the Lord
   is shining all around;
   he burns with holy fire,
   with splendour he is crowned:
   how awesome is the sight
   our radiant king of light!
   Be still, for the glory of the Lord
   is shining all around.

3 Be still, for the power of the Lord
   is moving in this place:
   he comes to cleanse and heal,
   to minister his grace -
   no work too hard for him.
   In faith receive from him.
   Be still, for the power of the Lord
   is moving in this place.

Songwriters: David Evans

Use your prayer journal to capture your thoughts and feeling that you have felt during your prayer.

What is God saying to you?

What is your response?

Idea 3: Use Music to Help You Focus

Do you listen to music when you study or work? Music has a profound ability to drown out the distractions in my mind and help us to become laser-focused on the task at hand.

Music can do the same for your prayers. Try putting some soft music on in the background for your prayers to help you focus.

Pacelbel – Canon in D Major

Grieg – morning – Peer Gynt Suite

Gabriel’s Oboe -

Shubert – Ave Maria -

Use your prayer journal to capture your thoughts and feeling that you have felt during your prayer.

What is God saying to you?

What is your response?

Reflect on the Week

Look through your prayer journal for the week. Is there a theme or anything that stands out to you?

Overall has this prayer form ‘worked’ for you?

What did you find useful?

Did you find anything difficult about it?

Did you learn anything about yourself and your prayer life from the experience of this week?

Going forward will this be a prayer form you re visit.


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